Brand identity and user experience for a BioArt gallery
Brand Identity
User Experience
Bioball is an art gallery that provides unique experiences for people to enjoy and learn about BioArt. The identity and website design capture the biological essence of the processes of the artworks. BioArt is an art practice where humans work with live tissues, bacteria, living organisms, and life processes—using scientific methods such as biotechnology (including technologies such as genetic engineering, tissue culture, and cloning.)
An identity inspired by Petri dishes
Petri dishes inspired the circular shape in both the logo mark design and visual elements. A petri dish is a shallow transparent lidded dish that biologists use to culture cells, which also is a common element for creating BioArt artworks.
Create your own BioArt
A unique experience that allows people to create their own digital BioArt on the website. By doing some simple steps and a few days of waiting, audiences will see their creations grow into different shapes and forms.